
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Revival Amongst the Romani of Serbia

The Romani people of Serbia are in the midst of a mighty revival. Empower Ministries Intl. has come alongside these poverty-stricken people to help with tangible gifts of love such as seedlings, food, shoes and more. Ron and Charis share incredible reports of the unique baptisms in the many Romani congregations. Listen now...

What is a Bondservant?

What is a bondservant? Ron explains the meaning of a word that he closely identifies with. His teaching on what it means to be a bondservant continues to be one of his most popular. This podcast explains the meaning behind the word and why it applies to every believer today. Listen now...

Laotian Witchdoctor Turned Church Planter

Ron visits a village in Laos to catch up with the nation’s hard-working pastors. He is introduced to a former witch doctor who once had access to powerful dark magic. Ron learns that the pastor turned to the Gospel when family members became ill, and he could do nothing to save them. Listen to find out why this man made a profound and lasting impact on Ron. Listen now...

Putting COVID 19 into Perspective

Ron and Charis answer the question of how Covid-19 has impacted the church. They share updates from spiritual leaders worldwide, who all believe that the pandemic has led to receptive hearts willing to hear the Good News. Listen now...

What Does a Revival Look Like?

Ron and Charis share the signs of a revival. They describe the various revivals happening today in places such as Serbia, Ethiopia and many other spiritual hotspots. Thousands of people are accepting the Gospel. God is on the move doing incredible things and transforming lives, and this podcast has all the details! Listen now...

The Chinese Christmas Light Pastor

Ron shares the story of a Chinese pastor who spent years in prison and suffered greatly for his faith in Jesus Christ. This pastor has been following the Lord since he was 16 years old. His testimony is an incredible report of the Lord’s faithfulness. Listen now...

Indian Pastor Confronts the Demons

Ron shares a story about a young Indian pastor who settles in a small village with hopes of starting a church. He and his wife begin to notice something strange occurring in the village homes each day. When he confronts the demonic activity, all the attention turns to him. Listen now...

The Bible Man in Vietnam

Ron shares a story of an incredible pastor in Vietnam who suffered terribly for his faith. He spent years in prison, and upon his release, discovered that the seeds he’d planted had flourished. The pastor knew he could be arrested again, but that didn’t stop him from purchasing Bibles for his congregation. Listen now...

The Importance of Bibles in the World Today

Ron and Charis answer the question of how important the Bible is for national believers. They explain how all new believers become desperate for the Word of God in ways North Americans find hard to understand. In many areas, the Bible is difficult to find, expensive or forbidden. New converts quickly learn that having a copy is essential for their spiritual growth. Listen now...

25 Years in a Demonic Prison

Ron shares a story about a lady who was demonically possessed for 25 years. Her children forced her into becoming a portal to evil so they could have wealth and power. She suffered endlessly for their gain. Nine of her thirteen children died, and her health was failing miserably. Her fearsome reputation did not stop a young church planter from visiting despite many warnings of grave danger. Listen now...

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