The Power of the Gospel: India Transformation

The Power of the Gospel is on full display in India!

Peace in Jesus "Easter Outreach" 2024

God is on the throne in heaven—and Jesus came to provide us with ample peace for today and the future.

Ethiopia - From a Eunuch to Revivial

Spiritual hunger for God, truth and knowing Him personally is spreading like a spiritual "wildfire" across Ethiopia.

Not Ashamed-China

Chinese house church pastors/evangelists are currently experiencing the hardest times in recent history.

Operation: Bless El Salvador

El Salvador is a nation tasting the beginnings of revival.

The Perfect Balance

Albania, along with the Albanian-speaking countries in its vicinity, is currently witnessing an extraordinary outpouring of the Spirit, leading to an unprecedented growth of the Church.

Ukrainian Refugees

Thousands of Ukrainian people have died or been wounded in the conflict, with millions being displaced as internal or external refugees.

Most Urgent Need

One of the best ways to invest in missions today is by putting needed ministry tools into the hands of dedicated national believers.

El Salvador

An aggressive church planting network of Bible-believing churches in this small Central American country of 6.8 million people is in desperate need of Scriptures.


Cuba is in a dire situation. The multi-national trade embargo has effectively crushed the economy, totally impoverishing nearly the entire general population.


China is experiencing incredible growth that comes from an insatiable hunger to fill the God-shaped void, produced by a communist, atheistic political system, with a deep and satisfying walk with God.


Empower Ministries prints high quality Bibles in the Amharic language, and other languages as needed, which are distributed through national church planting networks for spiritually hungry new believers.

Middle East

In the Arab middle east and North Africa countries today, there is a growing hunger for religious truth.


Hundreds of millions of Indian people are being held in the iron grip of deeply ingrained religions and philosophical worldviews.


The Romani people (who have historically referred to themselves as gypsies) are experiencing today a widespread move of the Holy Spirit.


Spirit-filled believers are thriving despite living under extreme conditions.


History is filled with accounts of antisemitic atrocities committed against the Jewish people.

National Worker Support

In light of the massive turning to God worldwide, indigenous workers are needed to bring in, consolidate and disciple the largest harvest of souls in human history.

Ministry Tools

Providing national church planters with transportation maximizes their ministry impact.

Compassionate Assistance

When natural disasters, war, or political upheaval strike a country or a region, Empower partners with national ministries in acquiring and distributing critical aid to meet the often indescribable needs of the believers and unbelievers who are in peril.


Millions of people worldwide are desperately seeking truth and the answers to life and death issues.

Pastoral Training

In partnership with national church planting ministries, Empower facilitates biblical training for pastors, church planters, and Christian workers to equip them for effective ministries in their countries.

Persecuted Believers and the Persevering Church

The national church planting movements that Empower aligns with have firmly requested that they not be referred to as the “persecuted” church.

Southeast Asia through Kingdom Eyes

A vast move of God has been steadily growing deeper in countries such as Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.