
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Overcoming Difficulties in Church Planting

Why are national workers so effective at planting new churches? What are some of the difficulties they face in their ministries? Join Ron and Charis as they discuss the challenges national church workers endure in their day-to-day lives. Listen now...

Papaya Tree Miracle

A family in India is resistant to the Gospel message and hostile to the pastor spreading the Good News. However, things change when the pastor prays for their papaya tree, and something unexpected happens to the fruit. Listen now...

The 10/40 Window

What is the 10/40 window? Is it still relevant today? What drives hunger for the Gospel? In this episode of “Asked and Answered,” Ron and Charis discuss the history of the 10/40 window and why things are different today. Listen now...

National Church Planting Strategies

Spiritual revivals are happening right now all around the world. National church planting ministries are effectively sharing the Gospel message. In this episode of “Asked and Answered,” Ron and Charis Pearce explain why these ministries are so effective. Listen now...

Church Under the Sun

A young Cuban couple pray for healing and a place to worship. Hear how God provides even beyond their expectations. Listen now...

Discovering International Partners

Empower Ministries International works alongside national churches in the world’s spiritual hotspots to provide the essential tools for kingdom building and discipleship. How do they choose their potential partners? What characteristics must a church planting ministry embody? In this episode of “Asked and Answered,” Ron and Charis Pearce describe what they look for in a church planting partnership. Listen now...

Christianity vs other World Religions

What makes Christianity different from the other world religions? Why are national church planters having such a profound impact in their countries? In this episode of “Asked and Answered,” Missions Specialists Ron and Charis Pearce from Empower Ministries share their insights into why the Gospel is spreading so rapidly in the spiritual hotspots of the world. Listen now...

Moonlight Baptism

A village in Vietnam has 61 new believers who are excited to take the next step in their faith and be water baptized. However, the local authorities heard about the upcoming celebration and made threats to anyone participating. The believers have to take drastic measures to ensure they can still follow through with their plans. Listen now...

Revival Amongst the Romani of Serbia

The Romani people of Serbia are in the midst of a mighty revival. Empower Ministries Intl. has come alongside these poverty-stricken people to help with tangible gifts of love such as seedlings, food, shoes and more. Ron and Charis share incredible reports of the unique baptisms in the many Romani congregations. Listen now...

What is a Bondservant?

What is a bondservant? Ron explains the meaning of a word that he closely identifies with. His teaching on what it means to be a bondservant continues to be one of his most popular. This podcast explains the meaning behind the word and why it applies to every believer today. Listen now...

Laotian Witchdoctor Turned Church Planter

Ron visits a village in Laos to catch up with the nation’s hard-working pastors. He is introduced to a former witch doctor who once had access to powerful dark magic. Ron learns that the pastor turned to the Gospel when family members became ill, and he could do nothing to save them. Listen to find out why this man made a profound and lasting impact on Ron. Listen now...

Putting COVID 19 into Perspective

Ron and Charis answer the question of how Covid-19 has impacted the church. They share updates from spiritual leaders worldwide, who all believe that the pandemic has led to receptive hearts willing to hear the Good News. Listen now...

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