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Hear firsthand accounts of what God is doing around the world. Join Ron Pearce as he shares powerful stories of the persevering church, national church planter, and answered prayers.

Israel Situation: Holocaust Survivors

Welcome to a special episode of our podcast, where we delve into the latest updates and remarkable work being done in Israel by faithful workers with a desire to spread the Good News and lead others to Christ. In this episode, we will explore the significant changes happening in Israel, particularly the growing interest in the Gospel, and then highlight the flourishing ministry dedicated to Holocaust survivors who have made Aliyah to Israel in the past decade. Listen now...

Why I Won't Retire

Ron has dedicated more than 35 years to serving in ministry. His journey has taken him across the globe, as he seeks to support and join national church planting movements in places where God's work is thriving. Having ventured to over 70 countries, Ron has had the privilege of connecting with Christian leaders, delving into the essence and mysteries of revival, and receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit on effective strategies for empowering and assisting national church planting ministries. In this episode, he talks about what retirement looks like for him. Listen now...

The Israel Situation

In this episode of God's Church on the Move, we delve into the remarkable spiritual transformation taking place within the country of Israel. Ron explains how the spiritual temperature is rising in Israel, with an unprecedented openness to the Gospel. There is a growing number of people who are surrendering their lives to Christ, signaling a profound shift in the religious landscape of the nation. Listen now...

Faith Unveiled: Exploring Vietnam's National Church and Spiritual Landscape

This episode dives into the incredible work of God within the national church of Vietnam, a country under communist rule. Despite the challenges, Vietnam is experiencing a profound spiritual transformation. Witness how the Lord is working in the midst of adversity, touching hearts, and bringing thousands of individuals to faith. It is an encouraging testimony to the power of God's love and the resilience of believers in Vietnam. What a testament to His unfailing love, transformative power, and the unstoppable growth of faith even in the most unlikely of places. Listen now...

Investigating the Supernatural

Are miracles still present in today's world? Does God work in the same manner as He did thousands of years ago, alongside the disciples? Ron, equipped with firsthand experiences and a ministry spanning decades, delves into this frequently debated topic. Listen now...

Inside El Salvador's Prisons: The Reality of True Repentance

Ron has returned from El Salvador, and his first-hand account of what's happening inside the prisons will astound you. Empower searches for evidence of genuine spiritual revival across cultures and has observed a pattern of the Holy Spirit's work. However, even with this experience, the work of God in the prisons of El Salvador was a surprise. There are 21 prisons in El Salvador, with a new high-security facility under construction to house 20,000 prisoners. The church network is currently active in 17 prisons. During a worship service attended by 600 inmates, the spiritual intensity was remarkable, with inmates crying out to God, worshipping loudly, and hanging on to every word of the message. The Bibles and New Testaments were dog-eared and worn out. Listen now...

God's Supply Lines

We, as followers of Christ, become so engrossed in our own personal struggles that we sometimes lose perspective on Satan’s ultimate goal and his strategies. We often fail to remember that the moment we accepted Christ as Savior, we declared war on Satan’s kingdom and he declared war on us. Listen now...

God's Church on the Move: The Asia Update

In this exciting update on Asia, we learn what God is doing in three spiritual hotspots: Laos, China, and Vietnam. Are the extraordinary numbers coming to know Jesus accurate? Are Bibles still needed? Are churches being planted, or has the pandemic changed everything? Find the answers to these questions and so much more! Listen now...

The Threat of War: The Israel Interview Pt. 2

Ron continues his conversation with Empower's partners in Israel. They discuss the ongoing threat of war and how that impacts ministry and day-to-day life in the country. This is the second half of our two-part series with Israel. Listen now...

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