Papaya Tree Miracle
Pastors in India travel over vast areas, including rugged terrain, to visit their established churches. They also travel to new areas evangelizing and winning souls to Christ. Peter, a hard-working and well-known pastor in India, had an incredible experience visiting a village while attempting to start a new church. A mentally ill man had become dangerous and unpredictable, causing great concern for the villagers. Pastor Peter was introduced to the man and began visiting him to pray for his wellbeing. After about a week of prayer, they noticed a significant improvement in his behavior. During the second week of prayer, the man was fully healed and acting in his right mind. Upon receiving Christ as his Savior, he donated his house to be used as a place of prayer and worship. The new church grew quickly as word spread of his healing, and almost the entire village became Christ-followers. However, one family still refused to even listen to the Gospel message. Pastor Peter approached the family and asked to pick some papayas from the tree growing beside their house.

The family explained that the tree did not produce good fruit, and they had never been able to eat anything from its branches. Pastor Peter saw an opportunity to show them the goodness of God. He offered to pray for the tree that the fruit would be edible, and the family reluctantly agreed. Pastor Peter prayed, then picked a piece of fruit from one of the branches. To the family’s surprise, the fruit was delicious! Perfectly sweet! This simple miracle convinced the family to give their hearts to the Lord. The papaya tree has produced edible fruit ever since and is a symbol to everyone in the village of the power of God. God loves to astound his people with miracles that show His might and His power.
In Psalm 77:14 – 15, we read: You are the God who works wonders, you have made known your strength among the peoples. You have by Your power redeemed your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph.
The miracle of the papaya tree encouraged one family to put their trust in the Lord and inspired an entire village to remain faithful to the one true God that loves beyond reason.
This simple miracle convinced the family to give their hearts to the Lord.