
Hundreds of millions of Indian people are being held in the iron grip of deeply ingrained religions and philosophical worldviews.


Miracles Abound: The Ethiopia Update

Get ready to be amazed and inspired as Ron shares his incredible stories from Ethiopia in the latest episode of God's Church on the Move. The country is experiencing a powerful move of God that Ron compares to the book of Acts. Miracles are happening, and lives are being transformed. Don't miss out on this exciting update that will encourage your faith and ignite your passion for God's work in the world. Listen now...

Revival and The Lord's Prayer

What does revival have to do with the Lord's Prayer? Ron discusses what's happening worldwide in the spiritual hotspots of the world and how there is a new sense of the Holy Spirit invigorating the national church. Listen now...


SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Ethiopia

There are billions of devout, religious people around the world who are literally “scared to death” of dying. All the great world religions and their offshoot philosophies promise peace like a river, but none of them—no not one—can satisfy the human soul when it approaches eternity. Read more...