
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Defying the Khmer Rouge

Bopha and her husband survived the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia then found faith in Jesus. At every turn, the Khmer Rouge opposed them, but they remained undeterred in their mission to tell others about Christ. Listen now...

Cattle Truck Baptismal

Hundreds of people in Ethiopia crowd into cattle trucks on a journey to find a water source for baptism. Their testimonies on the river bank inspire a new church! Listen to find out what happened when villagers forced the trucks to stop as they headed home. Listen now...

Joy Unspeakable

An encounter with Jesus leaves one Ethiopian man filled with joy so contagious everyone around him is changed. Listen now...

Witch Doctor Saved and Healed

A powerful but sick witch doctor learns about Jesus and gives her heart to Him. Her decision provokes intense persecution and an outpouring of God’s grace. Listen now...

Nearly Executed For Christ

Ruth accepted Jesus after witnessing a miracle of healing. When Chinese police arrest her and torture her in prison, her faith remains unwavering. Listen now...

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