Paying a Price

For 14 excruciating years, Hannah, a young woman from India, suffered from demonic possession. The evil presence that had made her violent and unpredictable, dictated her life and caused her great anguish. She became miserable and filled with despair. Her parents could see that their daughter had no control over herself and that she was losing her will to live. They became desperate and took her to many temples where they prayed to the gods and visited dozens of witch doctors but the demonic presence in their daughter did not become better, it became even worse. Hannah, unable to stand her tormented life, tried repeatedly to commit suicide. But God had a much bigger plan for her life. A pastor heard about Hannah through villagers in the area and decided to visit her house hoping he would be allowed to pray for her. At first, Hannah was resistant and fought back against the pastor, but he persisted. He invited Hannah to church and eventually, she began to attend. When Hannah started fasting and praying each week, God delivered her from the evil powers that had bound her for so many years. Hannah surrendered her life to Christ, became devoted to his purposes, and has never felt freer. But even though she was finally strong and healthy, a new sort of challenge arose. Hannah’s father insisted that she participate in a festival that required her to carry a decorative pot to the local temple. This supposedly would appease the gods and send rain for the crops. Hannah would not have anything to do with it and she was severely beaten for her disobedience. When she confessed that she was now a Christian devoted to Jesus, her father was horrified that his daughter could be so foolish. Since then, he tells her repeatedly how upset he is at her newfound faith. He has even inflicted burns on her skin and beaten her several times to force her to deny Christ. But Hannah refuses to back down from her beliefs.

In 1 Peter 5:10 – 11, we have this incredible promise: After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To Him be the dominion forever and ever, Amen.

For the sake of following Jesus, Hannah pays a high price, but she knows her faith is pleasing to God and that is all she needs.

Her parents could see that their daughter had no control over herself and that she was losing her will to live.

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