Chinese Bible School Raided
Phoebe is a young Bible School student in Xeon, China. She was raised in a Christian home with parents who are acutely aware of the cost of serving Christ in China today. Phoebe, when she was old enough, decided to attend Bible School. She wanted to learn all she could about God’s Word and become a church planter to reach others for Jesus. The Bible School was in someone’s house and the students knew what to do if the police showed up; stay quiet and don’t mention their purpose for gathering. One evening after a long day of studying the book of Romans, there was a knock on the door. A student went to answer it and then quickly shut it when she saw several police officers standing outside. She informed her classmates of the raid and they all ran upstairs to hide their Bibles and homework. But the police forced their way inside the house. Despite their hostile presence, Phoebe came downstairs to speak with them. They interrogated her and demanded to talk with everyone. The headmaster’s wife had instructed the 20 students to hide, but 10 of them joined Phoebe downstairs to help spare her more persecution. The police took pictures of everything and they searched the entire house, confiscating most things. But God was watching over them. One small closet filled with Bibles and other books was left unnoticed and, therefore, untouched. “The Lord made sure the police didn’t find our Bibles! His protection was complete!” said Phoebe. “The police were harsh with us, but they showed some leniency. They told us to leave and never come back. If we continued to meet at the house, then they would arrest us and take us to jail. The next day the police followed us everywhere, so we gathered our belongings and escaped quietly to a hotel.” The students had a choice to make. They could go home and abandon their studies or find a new place to gather. All of them decided to stay and study. Phoebe understands the cost of following Jesus. She does not fear government retribution, and her desire to be a church planter has only intensified.
The book of Ecclesiastes concludes with this: Fear God and keep His commandments because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.
Phoebe fears only the Lord. She is faithful to keep His commandments no matter what the cost may be to her personal safety.
The headmaster’s wife had instructed the 20 students to hide, but 10 of them joined Phoebe downstairs to help spare her more persecution.