Living Water
Adam was a well-respected Muslim teacher. He wasn't interested in Christian charity. Everything changed when he drank from a well and met Jesus. Listen now...
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:12-13
Adam was a well-respected Muslim teacher. He wasn't interested in Christian charity. Everything changed when he drank from a well and met Jesus. Listen now...
Ron has spent countless hours in airports and flying around the world. This fun list of what NOT to do when traveling overseas might save you from sharing a room with mice and cockroaches. One word: mothballs. Listen now...
Check out the latest around-the-world, eye witness updates with a focus on three countries. Find out how the internet is opening doors to hungry, searching people in Egypt. Hear how the power of forgiveness, plus passion and zeal for Christ are bringing massive numbers of Ethiopian people to a saving knowledge of Jesus. And from Israel, hear about urgency and who is "fighting" over Bibles. You'll also hear exciting news about "Operation Equip Israel." Listen now...
Ron’s adventure to visit a “very special place" in China ended up being one of the highlights of his years in missions. In this podcast, Ron shares an extraordinary visit he took to a secret location in China. Listen now...
Ethiopia is a hotspot of spiritual activity. Entire villages are turning to Christ. When “Peter’s” wife became very ill, very quickly, he turned to his tribal religion, but no one could help. And his wife continued to suffer. Someone directed him to a local Christian who prayed and his wife was healed. This infuriated the local religious leaders, but Peter reminded them that he first went to the tribe. And then came the rest of the story. What happened in Peter’s village following this powerful miracle of God? Listen now...
“Luke” studied the Koran in Saudi Arabia, and spent three years fighting against Christians. When he heard the message of Jesus, Luke knew in his heart that the Gospel was true. He faced a great dilemma. Find out what he did when he learned the truth of Jesus. Listen now...
A Hindu man in Burma watches the Jesus film. He imagines he too is touched and healed by the Son of God. When the movie is over he realizes his dream had come true. Listen now...
Gangster Jake was the leader of a gang of 500 in China. God had other plans for this man. On this podcast Ron will tell you the miraculous story of how God took this gangster and changed him into a dedicated follower of Christ who, today, is a church planter in charge of 60 house churches. Listen now...
Find out what "church" looks like in this nation, and learn what obstacles the believers face. Discover the results when 12 traveling "camel schools" are supported. And listen to the amazing outcome after a Muslim leader turns to Christ, but is soon beaten and thrown into a well to die. Listen now...
After Cyclone Nargis ravaged Myanmar in 2008, thousands of acres of rice paddies were destroyed by rats. Find out how a solution to the rat infestation, and providing urgently needed compassionate assistance, resulted in an overwhelming spiritual hunger in the local farmers to attend a Bible study, and ultimately resulted in 200 farmers turning to Christ. Listen now...
When Philip, a Muslim leader heard the Gospel, he rejected it. But, he couldn't forget the message. Finally he asked a sincere question of God: "Who is the true prophet - Mohammed or Jesus?" Listen now...
How does a new believer start a church in Ethiopia? One man determined to live out his new life of faith by working on "holy" days when work was forbidden. The villagers watched carefully expecting the Christian to die because of his actions. But, God had other plans. Find out why this Christian proclaims, "My God is bigger!" Listen now...