Touched by the Invisible Hand of God

Wonder and awe seized the man and he immediately believed and confessed his sins.

A Muslim leader in Ethiopia gathered several other leaders together in his area to teach them how to persecute Christians. As he stood at his lectern and addressed the crowd, he suddenly felt an invisible hand on his shoulder move him a few feet backward. Fear overwhelmed the leader, and he was utterly baffled, but before he could turn back, he heard a voice speak: I am Jesus, the true God of the Christians and you need to repent of your sin and follow me.” Wonder and awe seized the man and he immediately believed and confessed his sins. Upon returning to the podium, he spoke to the leaders who had been waiting and told them everything that had just happened but rather than listen, the men charged at him furious over what they considered to be blasphemy. The leader was struck several times and thrown to the grounds. Someone else rushed at him with a large machete and sliced the back of his neck. They left him in a pool of blood to die, alone. Christians in the area found him close to death and took him under their care. They nursed him back to health and taught him more about Jesus. Fully healed and on fire for the one true God, the former Muslim leader now preaches the Good News all over Ethiopia. He has become influential in leading other Muslims to Christ. 

In Hebrews 11:6, we read: And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He Is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Our belief in Jesus Christ sets us free, and with this motivation, we tell others about the wonderful God that rewards all those who seek Him.

They left him in a pool of blood to die, alone.

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