Living Water

Living Water

Adam lives in a remote village in Eastern Ethiopia. He has a simple life as a farmer but also serves as a devout teacher of Islam. As a respected member of the community, Adam was elected to be chairman of two neighborhood governments. He is a leader among his people; someone everyone looks up to. Not too long ago, a church dug a well for the villagers. They knew of the severe water shortage and wanted to help. Despite the need for clean water, no one would drink from the well. The people wanted nothing to do with Christians, and certainly not anything they saw them pray over. Adam knew the people needed the well though, and he wanted them to see that it was okay to take what was offered, and so he was the first to drink the water. That night, as he slept, a voice came to him and said, The water you drank is a symbol of the life I give. I am Jesus and if you follow me, you will have eternally satisfying water.” The dream disturbed Adam. The next day, he secretly sought out a Christian in a nearby village. He told him about the well and then described his dream. The Christian talked about Jesus and after a few clandestine meetings, Adam accepted Christ. Hearing his testimony, his family also made the decision for Jesus. God is using this new follower in incredible ways. He has given him a passion for preaching the Gospel. When Adam prays for the sick in his village, they are healed and the news is spreading that his God is mighty and alive.

When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, He made this claim: Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him, shall never thirst, but the water that I give him will become in him, a well of water, springing up to eternal life.

Jesus is alive and transforming lives today with the same powerful words. Adam drank water from a well and his thirst was satisfied, but the Lord had so much more to give.

That night, as he slept, a voice came to him and said, The water you drank is a symbol of the life I give.

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