Situation Reports and Devotionals

Stay informed and be encouraged. Read the latest situation reports and devotionals about how God is moving around the world.

TEACHING: Walking in Darkness-Trusting When You Cannot See

I am no prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet, but I do believe we're headed for some very dark times in this decade. I really believe in some places it's going to be rough to be a Christian. In many nations believers have already faced trouble and pressure. But what I want to look at here is a "dark time" that doesn't result from the persecution of the world. Read more...

TEACHING: We Wrestle Not!

We are slackers, and as far as I can discern, at the judgment seat of Christ there will be no medals for slackers. Dear reader, do you and I realize that we are just one heartbeat from a fixed state of reward, be it of joy or shame? Read more...

SIT REPORT: Christian Persecution in China

The situation for the Church in China is changing rapidly. I want to bring you up to date on the current conditions as well as explain Empower’s emphasis, in regards to this serious news. As you read this stunning synopsis, please be in prayer for the Church in China. Read more...

TEACHING: The Judgement Seat of Christ

We will all one day stand before the judgement seat of Christ and be held accountable for our actions. Read more...

TEACHING: Where are the Elijah's of God?

From Leonard Ravenhill's powerful first book WHY REVIVAL TARRIES. Where are the praying men and women? The world needs Godly people to rise up and be examples. Read more...

TEACHING: The Driving Force Behind Missions

There are few absolutes in the world, but this is one—the Bible clearly states that only those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior will have eternal life in Heaven. Anyone not making this choice will spend eternity separated from God’s presence—in Hell. These are the facts from the Word of God and they are indisputable. Read more...

TEACHING: Who Cares?

William Booth cared for souls. He made it his life's mission to share the Gospel and win lost souls for Christ. He shares a painful, vibrant vision he received from the Lord about people not caring for the lost. Read more...

TEACHING: Power and Truth

“What is the secret as to why so many people are turning to Jesus around the world today?” A definite pattern has become evident to me over the past few decades. This pattern is now common in most countries where there is a spiritual awakening. But in some countries, it is distinctly visible and identifiable. Read more...

SIT REPORT: A Revealing Result of Pentecost

Two of these interviews I share with you today for your encouragement — one from northern Israel and one from rural Ethiopia. On this special day of Pentacost, some 2,000 years ago, believers were supernaturally empowered for evangelism and church growth. In my estimation and from my experience, this is the motivating force behind millions of people turning to Christ at this time in history. Read more...

TEACHING: God's Supply Lines

“Spiritual warfare” is a popular subject in many Christian circles today. Definitions of this topic vary widely, but the common thread running through each of them is that disciples of Christ are in a daily spiritual battle against evil supernatural forces that surround us. Read more...

TEACHING: The Power of Children Praying

There is power when children pray. In 2005, Empower moved in to assist in the funding of the recently created nationwide prayer ministry that ultimately swept the country and culminated in the stunning resignation of the military junta and the installation of a freely elected government. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Operation Welcome Home- Middle East

In June 2014, the city of Mosul, Iraq fell to the forces of ISIS. An estimated 500,000 Christians, Muslims (Shia primarily), and other religious groups ran across a desert from the second largest city of Iraq to hastily constructed refugee camps in the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil. Over the past four years the city of Mosul was virtually destroyed by ISIS, or by government forces bombarding the city to regain control and thus displace ISIS soldiers. Today it lays in virtual ruin, freed from ISIS control, and presently receiving back its inhabitants that were scattered and living in dire poverty as displaced persons. Read more...

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