Situation Reports and Devotionals

Stay informed and be encouraged. Read the latest situation reports and devotionals about how God is moving around the world.

SIT REPORT: Good News! Our Anchor Will Hold

It is more important than ever for believers to know God's Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, not drifting away with the mindset of the world. When we are faithful in these things, we are anchored securely on that which never moves. Read more...

TEACHING: The Father Heart of God

Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant — but what is He really like? Do you really know Him? You’ve heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character? Read more...

TEACHING: How to Overcome Sin

God can and will forgive you if you repent of your sin, plead for the blood of Christ, and ask for mercy! It is not too late to ask for mercy. Read more...

SIT REPORT: The Joy of Missions

In the midst of a world gripped by the fear of COVID-19, despondency over widespread political unrest and military coups, plus panic due to societal upheaval, I am constantly receiving reports from Empower’s national partners, describing the incredible and deep joy that encapsulates their ministries. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Sheep and Goats- Wheat and Tares

At a great distance, it is very difficult to differentiate between sheep and goats gathered in one flock. Likewise, in a field of wheat, the tares (i.e., weeds that closely resemble wheat) are almost indistinguishable from far away. On closer inspection, however, within each of these groupings, the difference is clear and distinct. This is why the parables that Jesus told on these two subjects are so important to understand in regards to both current and Last Days missions. Read more...

TEACHING: Your Day in Court

We will one day stand before God and explain our actions. We are all must give an account of our lives. God can and will forgive you if you repent of your sin, plead for the blood of Christ, and ask for mercy! It is not too late to ask for mercy. Read more...

SIT REPORT: An Urgently Needed Lesson

We live in the midst of an increasingly fractured society that is desperately searching for direction, stability, and love. At the same time, many believers are increasingly discouraged by current events and their subsequent consequences. In this present environment, a believers' testimony in Christ should be thriving and shining, as we exhibit a different Spirit within us compared to the world. But many times, we lose sight of this reality and inadvertently fall back into "pre-born again" thinking and acting. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Missions is Drastically Changing...But Not Dying!

Much of our lives, including church activities, have been turned upside down over the past six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Hunger

Over the last couple of months, I have been outlining for you the five main factors that characterize the current outpouring of the Holy Spirit, sparked in part by the COVID-19 pandemic. Key leadership within the national church worldwide continues to sense that God is sending a message to His Church today regarding: * Contentment * Humility * Compassion * Urgency * Insatiable Hunger for God's Word Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Urgency

The word “urgency” is comprised of two concepts: time, and the gravity of a situation. The dictionary defines it as "importance requiring swift action." God’s loving concern for humankind’s sinful situation has a sense of urgency which He makes clear in the Bible: Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me, As in the day of trial in the wilderness.” (Hebrews 3:7, 8 NASB) Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work-Compassion

One of the most overlooked indicators of a spiritual awakening is compassion, which can be defined as the "sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others." The Bible often speaks of God’s great compassion, and I’ve chosen a few examples to share with you: The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. (Psalm 116:5 NASB)He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the lives of the needy he will save. (Psalm 72:13 NASB) Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Humility

Today's topic is humility that is accompanied by brokenness. Throughout the Old and New Testaments we read of great outpourings of the Holy Spirit that occurred when people were broken in spirit—meaning overwhelmed by sorrow for their sin—and humbled themselves before God with repentant hearts. Read more...

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