Blind Convert Healed

Ethiopia continues to see converts to Christianity in historic record numbers. Workers have their hands full keeping up with the rapid expansion of God’s Kingdom in this country. The harvest has never been so bountiful. Isaac was a new believer converted from Islam and he was ready to tell the world about his faith in Jesus Christ. Isaac was born blind and every day had been spent in darkness, physically and spiritually. When he converted to Christianity he had found freedom in Christ but his circumstances remained challenging. His family cut him out of their lives for his betrayal in abandoning Islam. They wanted nothing to do with a son who would turn his back on their religion, however, Isaac remained undeterred in his pursuit of Jesus. He knew life without his family would be difficult, especially with his visual disability, but he was positive the Lord had called him and he would follow Him no matter what the cost. Isaac was thrilled to finally be baptized and he went into the water fully committed to Christ. When he emerged, he opened his eyes and he could see for the first time in his life. The Lord had healed him while he was under the water. Isaac was overwhelmed with such a display of power and love. He knew the Lord could do anything and walked in complete faith from that day forward.

Believers have this incredible promise from Jesus: For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. And nothing will be impossible to you. 

Isaac no longer lives in darkness for the light of the Lord shines within him and he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that nothing is impossible for the living God.

When he emerged, he opened his eyes and he could see for the first time in his life.

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