Why I Won't Retire- A Message From Our Founder
There's far too much to do for the Kingdom of God for Ron to retire. Watch now...
There's far too much to do for the Kingdom of God for Ron to retire. Watch now...
What are the main strategies Empower Ministries International uses when working with national churches worldwide? Watch now...
The national churches around the world request one thing more than any other. They are desperate for copies of God's Word. Watch now...
Ron takes us back to a powerful moment from his time in China, when he smuggled Bibles into the country. During a house church gathering with a beloved leader, he arrived carrying a backpack full of Bibles.When the meeting ended, a young couple approached Ron and the leader, their faces filled with both hope and desperation. Their village had sent them on a mission—not to return home until they had found a Bible. With Bibles so scarce, they had searched tirelessly, unsure if they would ever succeed. When they learned of the backpack full of Bibles and received one for themselves, they were overwhelmed, moved to tears by the answered prayer they had longed for. Listen now...
In this episode, Ron answers pressing questions about the state of the world and what the Lord is doing in missions today. He shares powerful testimonies of how millions are coming to Christ, emphasizing the high return on investment when evangelists go out—especially in Ethiopia and many other nations. With years spent praying for the Lord to send workers into the harvest, Ron explains why he cannot stop now. He also voices his deep concern for the Church in North America, which seems to be falling asleep when it comes to evangelism and missions. Don’t miss this eye-opening conversation about the urgency of the Gospel and the incredible ways God is moving around the world. Listen now...
In this episode, Charis and Ron share about their inspiring journey to India, where they attended a remarkable Jesus Festival in a remote area. Surrounded by thousands of believers, they witnessed the power of the Gospel transforming lives as people came together to celebrate, worship, and fellowship in unity. These vibrant festivals are reshaping the spiritual landscape of India, drawing multitudes to Christ and demonstrating the unstoppable growth of His Church.You won’t want to miss this vivid and inspiring firsthand experience of what it’s like to be part of a Jesus Festival! Listen now...
Around the world, God is moving powerfully as national believers boldly share the Gospel in the face of opposition. Whether through miraculous healings in Ethiopia, acts of compassion in Laos, or the relentless witness of young believers in Vietnam, the Spirit of God is transforming lives and lifting the veil of unbelief. While each country has its own challenges, the same divine strategies seen in the Early Church are at work today, drawing people to Christ in extraordinary ways. This report highlights these incredible movements, with a special focus on Laos, where the Gospel is advancing despite persecution. Read more...
Wars, famines, floods, plagues, disasters of all sorts—and a noticeable and increasing level of desperation to find God—are all abounding. Read more...
At this critical juncture in history, when geo-political tensions are at a boiling point, the moral and ethical fabric of the world is being torn apart, and world religions are crumbling before our eyes, believers in Jesus need a firm word of comfort that God is still on the throne in heaven. Read more...