It Started With a Gift
In China, government authorities are adamant about stamping out the truth of the Gospel and have tried for decades to eradicate the hope found only in Jesus. Yet, they have had little success. The number of believers in China continues to multiply at an incredible rate despite opposition from the government. At the same time, Bibles are cherished and protected by believers at all costs. The promises found in Scripture sustain Christians and help them over every obstacle in life. This perseverance is evident in the stories of the faithful workers in China. Here is one of them.
Michael is an elderly Chinese pastor who has lived through many dark days during the Cultural Revolution and beyond. He is always eager to preach the Gospel message to anyone willing to listen. He rarely has any spare Bibles to give to new believers, making his discipling and teaching more challenging. One day, Michael received a stack of Scriptures to distribute and he was excited to give them away as soon as possible. He set out immediately to a village seven miles from his home. As Michael walked, his heart rejoiced. Not only was he going to preach the Good News, but he also had the rare privilege to give away Scripture and that was reason to celebrate. As he entered the village and approached the first house, a piercing cry reached his ears. He hurried to the home, found a bedridden man writhing in agony, and quickly knelt beside him to pray. The man shared with Michael that he hadn’t walked in years due to excruciating pain in his legs. When the pastor told him about the Gospel he eagerly accepted Jesus, then immediately felt his pain easing. A moment later, he left his bed and began walking without any discomfort. He rejoiced in the miracle, in complete awe of such a loving powerful God. News spread in the village and people wanted to learn more about Jesus. Pastor Michael began holding a weekly Bible study of more than 20 people, hosted by the grateful man whom God had healed completely. The new believers from that point on centered their entire lives around the Word of God.
In Hebrews 4:12, we read: For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged[JB1] sword piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Pastor Michael cherishes the Word of God and knows that it is a powerful weapon for extending the kingdom of God.
[JB1]This would usually have a hyphen – I know verses are usually copied and pasted though but just wanted to check.
A moment later, he left his bed and began walking without any discomfort.