Hindu Man Forever Changed by Jesus

A team of evangelists traveled to the northern Shan state in Myanmar. They were showing the film, The Life of Christ, in various villages. An elderly Hindu man heard about the team and the movie. He experienced a deep desire to see the film. For years, this man had suffered from chronic stomach pains. He spent all of his money on doctor visits and medication, but nothing had helped and his suffering continued. He found the evangelists as they set up for the evening showing and asked them questions. What was this movie? Why did they want others to see it?” The team told him that the movie contained a powerful and important message and all who watched it came away changed in health, heart, and character. Later that day, excited to watch the movie for the first time, the man sat in the front row and was riveted by the scenes where Jesus healed the sick and rid people of evil spirits. He imagined he was in the movie as well, and that the hands of Jesus lay upon his body. Suddenly, he felt lighter and better than he had in decades. When the movie was over, he knew something had happened, and he jumped up shouting with joy that the Physician in the film had reached beyond the screen to touch and heal his body. The physical healing was one thing, but the man was mostly in awe that God would reach out and touch him, a sick and frail nobody from a tiny village, insignificant to everyone. The knowledge that such a God existed transformed him. He gave his life to Christ and continues to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

In Luke 12:7, we have these comforting words: Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear, you are more valuable than many sparrows.

How utterly amazing that we are loved and cherished by the creator of the heavens and the earth. Not only does He know us, and calls us by name, but He knows us intimately and calls us His children.

He imagined he was in the movie as well, and that the hands of Jesus lay upon his body.

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