Changed by the Audible Voice of God

Elizabeth is the daughter of an influential leader in India. She was not a Christian, had never read the Bible, and never once uttered a prayer to Jesus. But one day, Elizabeth heard an audible voice speaking to her despite being all alone. She didn’t know it at the time, but the person behind the voice was reading from the book of Job. Elizabeth was perplexed and frightened. She couldn’t quite believe what was happening, and when the speaker claimed to be the Son of God she thought she was losing her mind. Over the next few days, Elizabeth sought out a Bible and began to read and the Lord opened her eyes to His truth. She eventually accepted Jesus as her Savior and gave her life to Him despite her entire family being communists. As she grew in her faith, she started sharing the Gospel with her loved ones and both her children and husband accepted Christ. Her father continued to challenge her claiming that communism was the only right way, but Elizabeth did not let that deter her from telling him about Jesus and the gift of eternal life every chance she could. Today she is an active member of her church. She holds prayer meetings twice a week in her home and has recently led 60 people to Christ (with 100 more she is currently praying for). Word is spreading quickly about the God that Elizabeth serves, as multiple people have received healing at her prayer meetings. One believer who suffered from throat cancer was given a clean bill of health by his bewildered doctors. Elizabeth remains humble and indebted to Jesus for the miraculous way he gained her attention.

In John 6:44 Jesus tells us: No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day.

We know from this verse and others, that the Lord does the impossible to reach us. God had a plan for Elizabeth and He made sure she was ready and willing to listen.

She thought she was losing her mind.”

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