Church Grows Despite Opposition
The Church in China is enormous in size. It is rapidly growing as believers are highly motivated to witness and share the love of Jesus. However, persecution targeting known Christians and pastors is intensifying and spreading. The threat of imprisonment remains for anyone who accepts Christ and attempts to convert others, but this doesn’t deter Chinese believers in any way.
Caleb is a pastor in China. He graduated from Bible School six years ago with the desire to establish churches in his city. Caleb knew that the hearts and minds of city dwellers were harder to reach, but such knowledge didn’t stop him from trusting that the Lord was in complete control. Since the beginning of his ministry, he has endeavored to serve God with his whole heart. Even with the genuine risk of being imprisoned for his faith, he has preached the Gospel every chance he could. Caleb has planted 20 house churches just in the last few months, with 20 – 30 believers in each. In the course of establishing these churches, Caleb has been arrested six times, however, the police never detain him longer than four days. This is a miracle, as hundreds of Pastors serve time in prison for their faith with sentences ranging from three months to three years. Despite his brief incarceration, Caleb was concerned that his congregations would be adversely affected by the constant police interference. However, it has become evident that the believers have not been intimidated by the authorities one bit. The churches continue to grow and thrive and the believers never stop coming together to worship and study the Word of God.
In Romans 12:1, Paul writes: Therefore, I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship.
Our Chinese brothers and sisters offer themselves daily as living sacrifices and we should all be encouraged by their incredible faith. If we walk the path the Lord has set before us then we have nothing to fear.
Even with the genuine risk of being imprisoned for his faith, he has preached the Gospel every chance he could.