TEACHING: The Power of Children Praying

By Ron Pearce

Recently I visited our national church planting partners in Myanmar (Burma). It is one of my favorite regions of the world to visit because I hear incredible news of how so many Buddhist monks are turning to Christ. The reports that they shared with me were of a strong national Church with widespread growth…

To what did they attribute this ever-increasing outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Primarily… prayer! Let me explain more fully.

When the country was undergoing unbelievable and devastating suffering due to the repressive military junta government, the leadership of the Church called the Christians in the nation to pray as never before according to what was promised by God in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV):

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

In 2005, Empower moved in to assist in the funding of the recently created nationwide prayer ministry that ultimately swept the country and culminated in the stunning resignation of the military junta and the installation of a freely elected government. Key members of the new administration and national church leadership concurred that the reason for this miracle” was that the nation fell to its knees before God seeking mercy through prayer.

Even though the nation’s children had been praying for years previously, during this period of suffering and crisis, something beautiful came into existence —

A powerful national children’s prayer ministry.

As one of the key church leaders and coordinators describes it:

The children’s prayer ministry exists to help children from a very young age to have an intimate relationship with God and know the importance of prayer for mission and nation, to intercede for the needy as prayer warriors.

These are the Highlights of the Ministry:

<p>Crowd of children</p>
The children’s prayer ministry exists to help children from a very young age to have an intimate relationship with God and know the importance of prayer for mission and nation, to intercede for the needy as prayer warriors

This quote from the national leader of the children’s prayer movement summarizes the impact that these little ones are having upon the land of Myanmar:

The Lord has shown me that a stronger prayer ministry is not a program, but is a movement. If we are able to build [Christian] life into the children from a very young age, they will not depart from the Lord and His Word. They will continue to grow strong in spirituality and morally, with godly characters. They will have an intimate relationship with God and sense what He means to each of them. That will bring to them the knowledge of their identity and their purpose for life.

His goal is to see these children become godly leaders in the Church, their communities, and the nation, trusting the words found in Proverbs 22:6 (NASB):

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Ron’s Final Thoughts:

As I travel, people approach me and inquire as to what is the most exciting place I have been in my travels over the years. Many countries are beautiful, and any place where there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit is awe-inspiring. But what brings me the greatest joy, is to see what is transpiring in Myanmar.

Little children, as young as five years old, growing up in an overwhelmingly Buddhist nation, and recognizing that their only hope lies in Jesus — now, that takes my breath away. I know exactly what the Apostle John felt when he wrote these words in 3 John 4 (NASB):

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.

This is more than an example to the rest of the churches around the world… it is a blueprint! Here is a nation struggling to escape the clutches of satanic control and delusion, being led out of the wilderness by Jesus-loving children.

This is why Empower will continue to fully support and underwrite this ministry. Thank you for all your assistance in this endeavor.

Little children, as young as five years old, growing up in an overwhelmingly Buddhist nation, and recognizing that their only hope lies in Jesus — now, that takes my breath away.

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