SIT REPORT: Ukrainian Jewish Refugees

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“On Their Way — To Israel”
Dear Friends,
Just a few minutes ago I was speaking directly with the leader of one of Empower’s partner ministries in Israel. This is a ministry that has worked extensively with Jewish immigrants since 1991 and has valuable experience in knowing how to minister to those running from the horrors of war and persecution. In one succinct sentence, the leader stated the obvious regarding the situation with the Ukrainian Jews making their trek to Israel —
“They are on their way!”
Governments, NGOs, families, and individuals around the world are coming to the assistance of the hundreds of thousands (or possibly millions) of displaced Ukrainians, providing humanitarian aid. But the one group that in many regards stands apart from the crowd in receiving this assistance is the Ukrainian Jews. As you read this, tens of thousands are somewhere on the journey heading to Israel and many more are anticipated to join them in the days and weeks to follow.
I believe that God has provided North American believers in general, and the Empower Family particularly, with an incredible opportunity to provide these Ukrainian families with hope, love, and a future. What follows is an outline of the situation and how Empower can assist:
- The Jewish Agency in Israel reports that it has received thousands of inquiries from Ukrainian Jewish citizens in the past few weeks regarding immigration to Israel. Ukraine is home to a Jewish community of approximately 43,000 people. But approximately 200,000 Ukrainians are eligible for immigration under Israel’s Law of Return, which extends the right of citizenship to anyone with a Jewish grandparent.
- Following the Second World War and then again in the 1990s (after the collapse of the Soviet Union) well over 300,000 Ukrainian Jewish people immigrated to Israel. Then in 2014, another wave of immigrants came ashore in Israel from Ukraine. The primary reason for these surges of immigration to Israel is persecution perpetrated by Nazis during the war, communist regimes, and general, widespread anti-Semitism.
- Initially, it will be necessary to assist the dozens of Ukrainian Jewish families placed under Empower’s care for a period ranging from 2 to 6 months. We will re-evaluate the needs and the situation as time progresses and provide updates regarding their ongoing needs and our future plans.
- It also appears that other Jewish families currently residing in Russia are so distraught due to the circumstances around the situation in Ukraine, that they too are preparing to move to Israel, leaving Russia in their past. This situation has the potential of precipitating a massive movement of Jewish people from numerous countries back to Israel.
During this season of the year, just before Easter, I am asking you to extend compassionate assistance in the Name of Yeshua (Jesus) to those who are running from the violence of their home country to Israel — their new home country.

Empower’s assistance will be extended in the following ways:
- Immediate care in the forms of nutritional food, ample clothing, and exceptionally good housing in hostel-style accommodations.
- The families will be arriving with nothing! Therefore, longer term aid will also include appliances, food, furniture and virtually everything needed for a home.
- Counselling, emotional support, love, prayer, and ongoing follow-up will be provided by trained messianic believers and pastors. The love of Yeshua will consistently be displayed and explained to help in their healing.
Dear friends, this project and the needs are immediate.
If you can help and feel led to assist these Ukrainian Jewish families, please be in touch with us as soon as possible. To make an online donation please click the donation button at the top right.
On behalf of the Jewish refugees who are on their way — to their new home—thank you!
His bondservant,
Ron Pearce,
Executive Director/Founder